Chaos Legion : Recognizing The Beast Page 8
As I pulled into my driveway at 5:40 pm, there was a blacked out SUV without plates sitting in the driveway. Something didn't feel right once I shut the truck off.
The front door was off the hinges and the living room was completely vandalized. Run, now. I twirled around to see that someone was looking at me. So I ran for the basement but someone was already there blocking my exit. The man grabbed me as I began to bang my fists on his chest.
“Keep doing that,” he laughed. “You aren't going nowhere.” The man carried me away to the living room and threw me towards the coach. I rolled off the furniture and my head banged against the table beneath me. The room began to spin as I began to see them move closer.
“Where's Nathan?” one asked as the other one had me by the throat. “I'm not sure,” I said as he squeezed. I let out a little squeal of pain as he did so. “Who, who are you?” The man let go and jumped onto the couch, locking my body underneath his. I shuddered as I hoped they weren't going to do what I was thinking about.
“Doom Crew,” the one above my head said. The other one nodded. “We might as well introduce ourselves,” he said. “John Crehn here.”
“Charles Leddle,” the first one said, smiling at me. “Since we told you that much, we might as well spill the rest.” They both nodded to each other. What?
“Your friend owes us money. He said he'd pay it off like a few months ago,” Charles said, looking to his friend. “His payment is three months overdue and we haven't gotten paid in weeks. We have family's to tend to,” John said, looking me over. “Can't wait much longer. Twenty grand is a lot to wait on.” That much? My eyes lit up in shock upon hearing the amount. It got both of them to laugh.
Charles caressed my jaw with his fingers and my jaw tensed at his touch. “Haven't had any money to make a woman strip either. My wife hasn't touched me since she had our fifth child a few months ago,” he said, stroking my hair. Both him and his friend eyed me lustfully, making my stomach turn.
“No,” I began to blab, but John had turned me over and removed my jeans. He came back to sit on top of me as Charles bound my hands together behind my head. “You get first round,” Charles said, nodding his head off to John. Charles hands were on my chest as he held me down. All I could see was him and his menacing smile. What is he thinking?
Waves of pleasure and pain overwhelmed me as I opened my mouth as my body tensed up. Charles began to laugh. “John you're almost there,” he said as I felt the man pressing deeper inside of me. I let out a huge moan of distress. “Got it,” I heard John say as he slipped out of me. His face was bright red as I gasped for air. “How much was that worth?” Charles asked. “Two grand,” he said as he took in a slow breath. I'm paying for Nathan's debt, that's disgusting!
A chuckle escaped Charles lips as they switched positions. “My turn,” he said as he widened my legs as far as they would go. All my muscles tensed up and my mind felt numb. There's no way I'd last much longer.
“What the hell?” someone said as he walked in from the doorway. He stiffened at the sight of the men.
“There's our guy,” John said and Charles got off. My eyes registered with pain as I looked up at him. Nathan looked worried as hell.
“You still owe us money,” Charles said to him, but looked back at me. “She bought you some time, and the bill's down to fifteen grand. Pay it off by Friday or you're dead. Unless you want to send miss pretty to our boss for a good beating. I'm sure he'll enjoy it.”
Before he could protest, they left. The first thing Nathan did was throw a blanket on me as he walked past. He couldn't even look straight at me.
“I'm sorry,” he said and kissed my forehead. “I thought they'd be gone by five.” I began to cry as I threw my head under the covers. “It's okay,” I mumbled, even though I was shivering. Nathan then threw pants on top of the blankets. “Put these on and I'll carry you to your room,” he said, heading for the kitchen.
With shaky hands, I managed to pull on the pants. But something caught my attention as it came out of the coach. My blood trickled down my side as I saw a knife sticking out. How did I not feel that?
Grabbing the knife, I set it down on the table to look at it. 'DC' was engraved on it. There were wings carved into the handle with an onyx stone set at the bottom. Only one thing was clear to me, that Nathan was in trouble. Maybe I'd find out more about my past if I didn't pretend it didn't exist. Soon I knew I'd have to act.
Nathan came back and approached me slowly when he saw the knife. “You didn't hurt yourself, did you?” he asked as he inched closer. “No,” I said as I went to feel my side. “One of those two did it.” But honestly, I didn't have a clue. It could have just slipped out of their pocket and sliced me. Accidental, maybe.
“Hmm,” Nathan said in thought as he kicked the knife away from me. It seemed like he didn't trust me but lifted me up anyway. I felt heavy as I anchored myself against his chest as he strode through the house. “No school for you tomorrow.” I felt relieved that he said that until I remembered something. Wait, what about the promise I made Derek? Sounds like I have to find something that works.
Buzz, buzz, buzz! My phone wouldn't stop vibrating and it was 7:20 am so I decided I'd pick up the phone. “Forget something?” he asked. Derek, how did he get my number? I know I didn't give it to him. My brows creased in confusion thinking about it. “I'll come get you,” I say as I got onto my feet, throwing my shoes on. He hung up as I looked around the house. Nathan wasn't here, but there was a note on the fridge stating that a doctor was coming later.
The hairs on my neck rose when the cold air hit. I was half dressed with my flannel pajama pants on. It didn't feel like a good idea to go get Derek, but I promised. Don't want to break a promise on the first day.
Derek looked at me oddly when he got into the vehicle. “You're going to school in that?” he asked sarcastically. “No,” I said as my hands trembled as I gripped the wheel. “Skipping?” he included as he cocked his head. Then I shook my head. “Don't feel good,” I say as I felt myself becoming pale. “Oh,” he said as he touched my hand. “Maybe I can fix that.”
As he said that, I was mortified as my mind went completely blank and I noticed I was about to rear end a car. Slamming my feet on the brakes, I felt my head connect with the steering wheel. Derek just looked at me worried. “Are you okay?” he asked as he reached for the wheel. “No,” I said as I popped the vehicle in park. I could see that we were close enough to the school for him to walk. “Get out.”
His cold hard stare said 'what?' as he grabbed at me and I kicked him in the shin. Outside the truck he yanked my door open and dragged me into the dirt with him. “What's wrong with you?” he questioned, fighting for control. I struggled against him as he rolled on top of me and gripped my hands tightly. “None of your business,” I spat and he smacked me. Then I couldn't help it as tears stroked my face.
Derek got up to stare at me for a moment. My side hurt too much to move as I waited for him to go. He began to walk away so I began to hoist myself up with the door handle as my jacket lifted. A little trickle of blood went down the door as I got myself up.
A student rode in on his bike that seemed to see the blood on the door. Quickly, I put myself into the driver's seat and started the truck. My stomach hurt as I was becoming dizzy again. I forced my body to relax for a moment, listening to Derek and the guy.
“That's blood,” he said, pointing at the truck door. “Did you see that when you walked in?” Derek shook his head, confused. “It was clean,” Derek said as his voice began to fade out. It sounded like he was stumbling onto something that I didn't want him to find out. Slowly, I began to gas the truck to get out of the parking lot. His friend sat in front of the truck, blocking my exit. “Please get out of the truck ma'am,” he asked politely. I shut off the truck, but I didn't have any intentions of getting out as it hurt too much to move. “Can't,” I said and began to close my eyes. Derek came to my door as his friend was on the other side
. “You have to,” he said, opening the door. His gaze went straight to Derek. “Now.” My door flew open and Drew lifted me up onto the hood. I nearly howled in pain.
“Where Julies?” Derek asked and the guy pointed at my shirt. I let out a small moan as he lifted it up, seeing the blood come from the wound. The color nearly drained from Derek's face as he saw the pain clouding in my facial expressions.
“Two inches deep,” Julies said, inspecting the wound. “The attackers must have wanted to do some damage.” Derek nodded with him. So what are they going to do? “Take her home, I'll cover for you today.” What?
The whole world blurred once Derek lifted me up, letting me lay in my truck. Julies had shut the passenger door. “Thanks,” Derek said as they fist pumped. All I noticed was that my head was sitting in his lap, and it made me feel very uncomfortable. He stroked my hair as he drove. I felt his body become erect underneath me. “Could have just told me.” Then I blacked out.
OCTOBER 30TH, 2013
I don't know how I slipped into Derek's arms, but his calm face was everywhere I turned. His smile lit me up each time I was around him. But one thing was certain, that neither him or Nathan was telling me the truth. It was pissing off.
Nathan was never home, and I think he blew off the guys he owed money to. Every once in a while they would drop by and I'd hide in the garage. That was beginning to get old, very fast.
One day in English class, Julies left a sheet on his desk that had the initials 'DC' on it. My eyes wandered to it as I found what I was looking for. Doom Crew would be at Stag's bar in Portsmouth. That was about twenty minutes away from where I was at the moment. Maybe I could confront John and Charles so they would back off. Worst thing that could happen was that I'd get screwed up by their boss. It was the chance that I was willing to take at the moment.
Julies passed a smile at me as he shoved the sheet into his bag. He was definitely a member of Doom Crew which meant I couldn't trust him. But he was also Derek's friend, so maybe Derek was a part of it too. It sounds like I got some sleuthing to do once I drop him off at home.
Derek gave me one sloppy kiss before leaving my truck. I wiped it off my face to still smell his sweat and cologne on me. Giving him a smile, I put the truck in reverse to leave. Julies was entering as I left. His eyes were furious as they locked with mine before I left. Did he know what I knew? The thought gave me the chills as I went home.
There was a bright note taped to the door. It seemed like Charles had arrived earlier.
We need to talk now, either one of you two. Nathan I'll snap your neck, and sweetheart I don't know yours. I don't think we got to know each other well enough. Meet me at Stag's – Charles.
The thought made me shiver as I read it. I guess I would have to do it either way. DC's meeting starts at six, so maybe if I get there early maybe they'd be too busy to notice me. Shagging the note off the door, I decided to bring it with just in case if they don't let me in. I know I'm underaged.
Right when I pulled up, it seemed like Charles and John were sitting outside. Charles eyed me surprisingly when I shoved the paper in his hands. “What do you want? Nathan's at work if you want to snap his neck there,” I said as I felt warmth raising from the back of my neck. His friend laughed. “Ballsy much?” John asked as he cornered me against the wall. Lifting me knee up, I kicked him in the groin. He let out a cry as Charles covered his mouth and began laughing. But he seemed to know what he was doing as he was keeping his distance.
Then Julies just rolled in with Derek in his Dakota as I looked over to them. So I grabbed Charles hand, pulling him beside me somewhere to hide. “What's ya hiding from?” Charles whispered, hearing my heart flutter. His eyes went straight to Derek. “You like him, don't you?” Shaking my head, I left the spot once they entered the bar. Charles wouldn't leave me alone about the subject. “Poor boy. His father lost a bet and they both got branded into DC.” Then the more he talked, the more angry I got so I began to tune him out.”Now how is Nathan going to pay me back?” I knew I didn't have an answer for that.
“I don't know. How do you usually make your money?” I asked and he fell silent. “Pools, races, and kills,” he answered with as he eyed me funnily. “Nothing you're capable of.” Frustrated, I felt the veins in the back of my head ready to pop. “I'll bring you to the boss, see what he thinks. But no promises on safety.” I kind of figured that much.
He showed me a way inside to the conference room. The man he left me with appeared to be in his mid-20's as he seemed to be around my height. His eyes crossed with mine for a moment. “Smoke break everyone,” he said and everyone dispersed. A smile crawled onto the guy's face. “Charles leave.” So then he left, leaving me alone with the boss. My hands balled up into fists at the thought. “Sit.” So then I sat across from him.
“My name's Dave Usfer. Am a death agent so don't waste my time,” he said, thoroughly looking me over. “Nathan's your guardian I presume?” I nodded and he laughed. “Not a good one.” His voice rang with warning as I felt something choking me and the room began spinning. Once I closed my eyes I felt like I was on the table with him on top of me. “I can see why they chose him to watch you. They killed him already.” Wait, what did he say? Killed, then how come he's here?A smile sprawled onto his face. “Hayes released him from death for some reason. News hasn't seemed to travel to them yet.” Drew? Then his mouth twitched as if I stumbled onto something. A smile escaped his pursed lips.
“Darkling's have a weird access to things that interest me. Death magic being one thing we have in common,” Dave said, poking at my lip. “You're not branded either, which makes this too easy.” He unsheathed his knife, gently guiding it against my arm. My body shivered as I forced my eyes shut. “This'll be quick.”
Red trickled across my vision, and the man was a blur. All my eyes assembled was that he had thick black wings fit for an angel. His eyes were depthless as they rolled into me, taking my strength away. All that was left was blackness.
Moments later, I felt like I was being carried somewhere. Dark brown worrying eyes locked with mine. It took a while to recognize the person. Julies, crap I'm in trouble.
“Derek's not going to be happy when he hears this,” Julies said, looking down at me. “Young Darkling.” Those two words snapped me back into cold harsh reality. Did their leader brand me? My stomach clenched at the thought.
I'm pretty sure I was sitting next to my truck doubled over. I felt sick to my stomach as someone approach. It took a lot of strength to look up a little to see it was Derek. He looked like he was debating on whether to hit me or not. A lot of emotions were playing on his face.
“Jada,” he said and touched my face. I jumped as I grabbed a hold on the handle. All the color drained from his face. “I'm taking you home.”
Forcing me into my vehicle, Julies buckled me in. “Be careful Derek. If she knows how to use her powers she can kill us,” Julies said, glaring at me. Derek froze, wondering if he heard what he had just said correctly. But Julies didn't repeat, and I closed my eyes so I wouldn't see how pissed off he was. My curiosity was going to kill me if I looked.
“Were you following me?” Derek asked calmly, taking in a deep sigh. I shook my head and threw the crumpled note at him. He flinched as he put the truck in park to look at it. Then he dropped it by his feet, tearing it apart with his heel.
“So Charles and John visited you,” he said, taking a good look at me. My eyes darted to the floor as I didn't wan tot answer him. He grabbed me, turning me towards him making me look into his eyes. There was a storm cloud of hate in them. At me?
Then Derek did something unexpected after he whipped off his seatbelt, dragging me into his lap. He forced his tongue into my throat as he pushed me against the steering wheee. Both of his hands unfastened my jeans and I slapped him. He glared at me.
“Everyone else is allowed to mess with you but me,” Derek said, licking his lip. “Not fair.�
�� So I slipped out of his lap into the seat next to him. “I sort of trust you. That's why,” I say as he tasted my mouth once more. A hysterical laughter broke out of him. “That'll be gone once you know me,” he said and frowned. “Don't say a word of this to anyone. Your life depends on it.” So I shut my mouth, even though a smart comment was forming in my head.
We rolled into the driveway and it looks like Nathan just got home. His eyes went to search Derek first, then he eyed me. A wave of hostility was evident on his face.
“Jada. Get in the house,” Nathan said, pushing me inside. He slammed the door right in my face. “Now you, stay away from her.” It nearly looked like a game of emotions were playing on his face. “No ride,” Derek blankly stated. Then Nathan threw him keys.
“There's my old bike. Tell them that's how I pay off my debt,” Nathan said. An odd smile crawled onto Derek's face as he sat on the bike. What was he thinking? “I will,” Derek said barreling out of the driveway.
Nathan stormed to the door as I sprinted for the couch. There was maybe a few moments for me before he'd ground me for an eternity.
His face was red as hell, and his hands were curled up into fists. Boom! He whacked the wall and I jumped. Is he trying to scare me? Then his eyes narrowed on me in a mixture of anxiety and relief. Something tells me I don't want to know what's going on up there.
“You're just as bad as your mother,” Nathan said as he was about to walk away. “I don't want to ever see you hanging out with that guy, you hear me?” So I merely nodded and crossed my heart. He took in a heavy sigh. “If I knew life would be like this, I would have stayed in hell.”
Weeks on end, school rolled into it's old rhythm as it continued. I still had to drive Derek to school or I'd find him in my dreams stalking me. My choices felt very limited.
After school one evening, Charles was waiting in my driveway sitting on his bike. Curious, I got out of my truck to see him. Surely he must have gotten paid off by now. A crooked smile crawled onto his face.